A noticeably subdued realDonaldTrump alighted his perch and tweeted this morning, but was silent on the topic of last night’s Saturday Night’s Live epic take-down/cold open of his post - #Peegate Presser (chronicled here by Leslie Salzillo).
KellyAnne probably slept on his couch and station herself outside his loo door to make sure his tweets didn’t stink
Still, if you read between the lines, you can tell that Alec Baldwin & Co. weren’t completely out of his (loosely termed) mind…
By “most angry” I take it that Mousseolini did catch the show last night, but is loathe to reference any mention of #Peegate lest the over-spray douse his Twitter feed.
But we are hardly “most angry” about all the “jobs” your over active imagination tells you you are bringing back, idiot, we are most angry today because you are a Dick that took a cheap shot at Civil Rights icon John Lewis. And as our memory extends further back that the last gratuitous insult that we suffered, I could catalog a thousand other good reasons to be angry (which I invite my readers to do)...but back to your tweets…
Keep telling yourself that Donald, if it makes you feel better.
President Obama saved a million jobs in his first month in office with the GM Bailout.
You’re gonna have to get off the throne to match that, putz.