Well, here we go again, as with Nunes’ Intel Committee investigating those investigating the crime of the century, drumpf’s Treasury Department is not looking into the suspicious activities of Michael Cohen’s likely bribe collecting shell LLC Essential Consultants but is rather hard at work trying to find the possible whistle-blowers that leaked the info to Stormy Daniel’s lawyer, Michael Avenatti.
The Treasury Department’s inspector general is investigating whether confidential banking information related to a company controlled by President Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen may have been leaked, a spokesman said.
Rich Delmar, counsel to the inspector general, said that in response to media reports the office is “inquiring into allegations” that Suspicious Activity Reports on Cohen’s banking transactions were “improperly disseminated.”
Detailed claims about Cohen’s banking history were made public Tuesday by Michael Avenatti, an attorney for Stormy Daniels, the adult-film star who was paid $130,000 by Cohen shortly before the 2016 election to keep quiet about her alleged affair with Trump. (snip)
“This has the appearance of a leak,” said Daniel P. Stipano, former deputy chief counsel in the Treasury’s Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. “It shouldn’t happen, but things leak.”