Could Stormy Daniels, rather than Robert Mueller, be the end of Trump?
Richard Cohen, at The Washington Post conjectures that that could be the case.
In any case, it’s a rollicking good read.
“It was just a little thing, a scratch, that he failed to treat and gangrene set in and it was killing him. They were on safari, in Africa, and their truck had broken down and the rescue plane was never going to make it in time. This is the way Harry died in Ernest Hemingway’s “The Snows of Kilimanjaro.” I reread it the other day because of President Trump. I think of him as Harry. Stormy Daniels is the scratch.
The saga of the adult-film star and the juvenile president has become a rollicking affair. Each step of the way, Daniels has out-Trumped Trump. She is as shameless as he, a publicity hound who adheres to the secular American religion that, to be famous, even for nothing much, is to be rich. By and large, that’s not true, but then there is Kim Kardashian to prove otherwise….
...This, then, is not about Russians with Dostoevsky-ish tongue-twisters for names, or the financial machinations of Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and others. It’s not even about Hillary Clinton or the FBI — which was once the paragon of civic virtue but now, inexplicably and not credibly, is rotten to the core. It’s about a woman up against a bully and it makes other things explicable: This is what Trump did to Andrew McCabe, fired from the FBI hours before he qualified for his pension. Crushed….
...It was the little thing that killed Harry on safari. It was the unattended cut, the disabled truck, the tardy rescue plane. As he died, he dreamed of Kilimanjaro, “unbelievably white in the sun” but the hyena that had been stalking him made “a strange, human, almost crying sound,” and he knew what the hyena already knew. It is what Trump is learning.”