More than a billion people in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and South East Asia, most of them children, live with chronic food insecurity and hunger, and, in some places like South Sudan, famine. And, by 2050, demand for food world wide will increase by 40-70%.
At the 2009 G-8 Summit in Aquila, Italy, President light-years-superior-to-the-shit-for-brains-we-have-now committed ten billion dollars to the alleviation of this scourge, ten billion dollars (a little more than half the cost of the Gerald R. Ford Aircraft Carrier) to not only feed the little guy above, but to reduce regional tensions and warfare and to help indigenous farmers improve their land and methods to meet the future demands for crops to feed their nations.
But Obama built that, so naturally the pissy four year old we now have for a President has to run over to kick it down…
“The Trump administration has pulled out of a popular Obama-era program that helped feed the world’s poorest people.
A key Treasury Department official revealed last week that the United States would stop funding the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program, a seven-year-old project that fund improvements in agricultural productivity across the world.
The U.S. has been the program’s biggest donor, providing a third of its total expenditures to date. But not anymore.
“[The] U.S. is not expecting to make any future contributions,” Treasury undersecretary for international affairs David Malpass said in written testimony to the House Financial Services Committee on November 8. “[GAFSP] should be wound down, with donors exploring options to return future reflows to donors.”
Anyone who watched the 60 Minutes’ story about malnutrition in Yemen last night has an idea of how unspeakably cruel and evil is this action by the drumpf maladministration.
I can’t even bear to post the video here, for fear of seeing those images again; those of you with the stomach for it will have to follow the link to watch.
A seven year old girl who weighs less than twenty pounds.
Two year-olds still barely above birth weight.
Mothers and fathers watching their children waste away to nothing.
GAFSP probably couldn’t save these children, the on going war will have to stop before food supplies can reach them. But the program could, if funded, go a long way towards preventing such horrors in the future
We simply must find a way to hound these soulless ghouls from the offices they besmirch, from the positions of authority they arrogantly befoul each day.