Perusing the intertubes about the story of the millennium I can across this thread discussing the grope photo…
...for the rest I will just post the text.
3. Original photo contains EXIF data AND as a .jpg has 'Last Modifed' and 'Created' timestamps. These are very very difficult to alter. (We'll talk about that too, later -- which will be boring as dogshit.)
4. Original photo was taken by a Nikon D2H.5. The time stamp on this photo claims it was created on December 21st, at 5:19 PM.
6. Mrs. Tweeden alleges that the photo was taken without her knowledge on a 36 hour flight home from the tour on 12/24/17.
7. The time stamp contradicts that allegation.8. Timestamps cannot be forged easily. (This will be in my 'What's the diff!' thread)
9. The original photo contains EXIF data on the way it was last modified. (Which has caused some overzealous theories to abound)
10. It was last modified by a copy of Adobe Photoshop 7.11. The EXIF data contains a partial Photoshop serial number - which can be used to identify the owner of that copy.
12. The 'last modified' date is July 1st, 2009 at 10:30 PM.
13. @SenFranken accepted Coleman's concession to defeat on that day.
Now, I can’t attest to the accuracy of these findings, and a thousand theories will doubtless spring from the statement that the photo was “shopped” using Photoshop 7.
But.. date last modified does not necessarily mean that the pic was altered, it could just mean that that was the day the program was used to transfer the photo from the CD to another storage media.
But, if true, what a consequent date that would be to someone trying to understand the travels and use of the .jpg.
LeeAnn has admitted that Hannity knew about the photo, is it too much of a reach to conjecture that on the day Al became a Senator someone requested the photo to salt away for future political use?
A good question to ask Tweeden would be why she chose to sleep in Kevlar and Helmet in an upright jump seat when a comfortable lounge chair in the VIP section of the C-130 awaited her exhausted body.
And why was Al wearing the same shirt in both photos?
Fair questions given that:.
This would not be the first time Tweeden participated in a right wing smear.
Below she is on Hannity’s show helping to propagate Andrew Breitbart’s smear against an Obama Ag official…
(You remember Ms. Sherrod, whom Andrew Breitbart tarred with a charge of reverse racism, using remarks she had given in a speech taken out of context. Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack dismissed Sherrod, much to his embarrassment - after the case was reviewed. Sherrod was exonerated and offered a new job by the administration... and she sued Brietbart successfully, settling for an undisclosed amount.)
Tweeden weighs in at 3:44, calling Sherrod a racist even after Fox News whispering Democrat Doug Schoen tries to talk her and Hannityjob off the ledge.