(Sorry to republish, important updates)
The WSJ is reporting that Congressman Dana Rohrabacher offered General Kelly a deal to “prove” Russia didn’t hack the DNC and Hillary’s emails in exchange for drumpf pardoning or whatever Assange:
“WASHINGTON—A U.S. congressman contacted the White House this week trying to broker a deal that would end WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s U.S. legal troubles in exchange for what he described as evidence that Russia wasn’t the source of hacked emails published by the antisecrecy website during the 2016 presidential campaign.
The proposal made by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R., Calif.), in a phone call Wednesday with White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, was apparently aimed at resolving the probe of WikiLeaks prompted by Mr. Assange’s publication of secret U.S. government documents in 2010 through a pardon or other act of clemency from President Donald Trump.
The possible “deal”—a term used by Mr. Rohrabacher during the Wednesday phone call—would involve a pardon of Mr. Assange or “something like that,” Mr. Rohrabacher said. In exchange, Mr. Assange would probably present a computer drive or other data-storage device that Mr. Rohrabacher said would exonerate Russia in the long-running controversy about who was the source of hacked and stolen material aimed at embarrassing the Democratic Party during the 2016 election.”
Seems that Kelly did not take this offer immediately to drumpf, though by now he must know.
(If he’s not watching Fox).
Kelly told Rohrabacher that he should talk to the IC, in other words “I ain’t touching this with your pole!”
But Dana doesn’t trust the CIA...plus the CIA can’t pardon anybody.
Assange is playing it coy:
“The organization said in a statement that Mr. Assange didn’t request a pardon at any time during his conversation with Mr. Rohrabacher. The organization didn’t address whether Mr. Assange asked Mr. Rohrabacher to carry a message to the president.”
Uh, Dana, might want to save that pardon for yourself….