KellyAnne Conaway held forth for a solid half hour on CNN this morning, with Chris Cuomo trying to get her to shut the hell up for the last fifteen minutes.
The trust of the diatribe was that Uday Trump did not collude with Russia because they didn’t have no good colludeables or something….
Philly.Com has the write up, including the line of the day from Chris.
“On and on the back-and-forth went, blasting through several commercial breaks until the discussion returned to the Trump-promoted narrative that CNN is “fake news,” with Cuomo unsuccessfully attempting to get Conway to admit that the media does matter.
“There has to be more balance. You need someone who’s reflecting the viewpoint of being fair,” Conway said of CNN’s multi-panel discussion groups, forgetting that the network specifically pays 12 contributors, like Jeffrey Lord and Kayleigh McEnany, to defend Trump and his policies during newscasts.
“If you want flattery there’s another channel that can give you that. We try and keep it straight, we go with both sides and we test power,” Cuomo said.
“I don’t need flattery.” Conway whispered as Cuomo was finally able to end the interview at the 35-minute mark.
Here’s the video if you got the time, i have to go back to work.