Just got my hillbilly freeloadin' ass back from my quarterly check-up at the gene Taylor VA Hospital in Mt. Vernon, Missouri, and all is well apparently, so, much to Rmoney's dismay, my hillbilly freeloadin' ass should be around chiselin' my check-ups through Barack's second and hopefully Hillary's second as well.
Being a bit of a history buff I go out of my way to talk to the other freeloaders Vets I run into there. Mitt would be horrified by the expense incurred by some of their experiences. I don't think Mittster or his punk litter could ever, even in their worst fevered fear of taxes nightmares, imagine the tricks these contemptible bums used to misappropriate their lavish healthcare dependencies.
In the little meditation garden out front of the hospital sat Art (names fictitious) in his jean jacket on this cool near-autumn early morning, with a "WW II Veteran" ball-cap warming his pate. I had a few minutes to spare before my lab appointment so I sat beside him and thanked him for his service. Art had left the Ozarks, having first secured his wife and 2 children in his parents' home, at 23 years old to join the Air Force. He served as a nose gunner on B-24 Liberators and flew many missions over Germany and some over Romania. Had at least a dozen of his close friends in his squadron killed. In fact I looked it up a few minutes ago, and Mitt would feel relieved to know that 7,000 of Art's compatriots never made it back from the war to suck up healthcare on his tax dime. I asked Art why he enlisted as having two kids probably would have earned him an exemption. He said that in 1942, watching kids just out of High School going to war, he couldn't stay out, though his wife begged him not to go. Finally, when I could no longer stand being in the company of this old idler any longer I thanked him again for his service and went into the clinic.
More below the swirling orange representation of Mitt's tax money going down the drain...