Last week I learned that my United States Senator Claire McCaskill (not Roy Blunt - someone else can have his ass) was to roll into my hometown of Springfield, heart of the deep red 7th District of Missouri, on my birthday, July 3. Now, in this Panglossian world I am a big fan of Claire because she is a Democrat and in the Senate from Missouri - consternatin' the freakin' hell out of the slimy teabagging Missouri GOP merely by being a Democrat and a Senator from Missouri - voting yea on things that no self respecting neanderthal male Missouri Republican (apologies to Jack Danforth) would ever vote yea on like the President's Stimulus Plan, the Lily Ledbetter Act, The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, The Heath-care Bill, the demise of DADT etc. etc. and so forth and so on, and much as this synergy delights and amuses me, and as much as I understand that some of the more stalwart defenders of the leftier faith object to her making the votes and taking the very stances necessary to hold the office she exercises to our mutual benefit (seeing as how she kicked Jim Talent's ass out of HST's seat by a coupla thosand votes and Talent would vote for exactly a big f'ing doughnut hole's worth of the above mentioned worthies)... I regretfully just say f you idiots very much.
So please walk your tired asses over to another thread.
But I wanted to hear what Claire had to say to her critics here, so I went to see her.
More 'yond yon ochreous Octopetala below.