Association with one Donald J. Trump continues to be the number one predictor of impending reputation destruction as Architect John Fotiadis, who worked on many Trump projects and rejects in Easter Europe, and some sponsored by Manafort’s favorite oligarch, Rinat Akhmetov, took down his successful firm’s website, closed his Twitter account and announced he was taking a job with a New Jersy engineering firm simply because a CNBC reporter reached out to him for an interview.
This is odd, because there has been no reporting, or even a suggestion that Mr. Fotiadis did anything wrong.
“The McClatchy news service reported in April that Mueller's probe was looking more closely at the people involved in Trump's dealings in three countries, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Russia.
Around this time, CNBC received a tip that Fotiadis had worked on several Trump projects in Eurasia. Curious about his professional relationship with Trump, CNBC reached out to Fotiadis on April 11 for comment about this work.
Fotiadis did not respond to a call or an email. But eight hours later, he announced on Twitter that he was closing his firm, John Fotiadis Architect, or JFA, after 10 years in business. A few days later, Fotiadis closed the Twitter account he had used to announce he was closing down his firm.
By the end of the week, all the content from Fotiadis' professional website, including his portfolio, had been removed, leaving only a note saying he planned to join a New Jersey-based engineering company.”
Read the article as many times as you like, but you will not see even a hint of wrong doing.
But there must be more to the story.
Why would a man trade in a by all accounts successful solo career for a day job working for someone else?
In any case this should serve as another warning to drump’s enablers in The GOP.
Everything, and everyone, that the Orange SoS touches eventually suffers severe reputation melt down.