“On Saturday in Palestine, thousands attended the funeral of Razan al-Najjar, a 21-year-old volunteer medic who was killed by Israeli soldiers during protests at the Gaza border on Friday.
Najjar was shot in the neck despite the fact that she was clearly wearing a white medical staff uniform, according to Palestinian Health Minister Dr. Jawad Awaad.
Israeli-Arab lawmaker Ahmad Tibi called Najjar’s murder a “heinous war crime,” a sentiment echoed by Dr. Awaad. Tibi directly blamed the United States for her death, since Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, vetoed the Security Council resolution for “international protection” for Palestinians on Friday.(snip)
““Being a medic is not only a job for a man It’s for women, too,” she (Razan) told the (NY) Times.
In our society, women are often judged,” she said. “But society has to accept us. If they don’t want to accept us by choice, they will be forced to accept us because we have more strength than any man.
“The strength that I showed the first day of the protests, I dare you to find it in anyone else.””
Najjar was shot less than 100 yards from the border fence wearing her white lab coat and medic’s badge.
Our renewed and continuing support of Netanyahu’s version of Israel is an outrage and shameful.