Michelle Wolf’s performance at Saturday night’s White House Corespondents’ Dinner was profane. It was an all out assault on comity and decency. It was outrageous and shocking, and, at times, disgusting.
In short, all it lacked were lies to make it the perfect commentary on the Trump Presidency.
Michelle didn’t go to the Nerd Prom, and couldn’t have been hired to speak there, to poke gentle fun at the horrendous goat rodeo that is playing out in D.C.
She was there to tell the truth, and that the cowards that hired her to do just that so quickly threw her under the bus when heel clickers like Matt Schlapp and Daddy Huckabee whimpered about the paddling that rightly gotten is reason enough to just end the whole fucking thing until such time as the Fourth Estate takes the well being of the country as seriously as Wolf does.
So says Will Bunch at Philly.com
“Weather-wise, April did its thing: It came in like a lion and went out like a lamb. Better off than America’s ailing press freedom, which came into April like a wounded duck, struggling for altitude amid all the stray potshots, and ended the month flat on its back, bill-deep in Washington swampwater and desperately gasping for air. The real tragedy is that the deepest wounds didn’t come from the barrel bombs of truth that comedian Michelle Wolf dropped Saturday night at the White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD), the event that celebrates American journalism by damn near destroying it, year after year. No, the injuries that may prove lethal were self-inflicted. (snip)
Wolf’s monologue — which targeted both patently dishonest Trump aides like Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kellyanne Conway and the too-obsequious reporters who cover them — put an exclamation point on where people stand on the state of American journalism today. But it wasn’t where the rubber hit the rubber hit the road. That happened nearly 1,000 miles away, at roughly the same time, in a very different Washington — Washington, Michigan.The case for a tough but fair, independent and not-deferential free press was best made by President Trump, at a mass rally that was his latest and most audacious attempt to party like it’s 1935. Once again, Trump launched outrageous assaults on our democratic norms (making New-York-mafia style threats against a U.S. senator who dared question the dubious background of a cabinet nominee) and on basic human decency (whipping up a loud “boo” by noting no Hispanics were in the house) that we now treat as all too commonplace. But the overriding theme, again, was whipping his base into a frenzy against the mainstream media, proclaiming that, “These people, they hate your guts!
It’s the approach that made Donald Trump the 45th president of the United States. It works. It encourages millions of Americans to hate the guts of the media and to question any negative information they report about Donald Trump. After Trump’s toxic speech, one rabid partisan leaned into the press holding pen to yell again and again, “You degenerate filth, all of ya!” at the journalists placed on display at these events like caged animals.”
We are at war people, and we are losing.
Andrea Mitchell, Nika Brzezinski and others may not want to get their hands bloodied but they should damn well pay a price for not supporting the troops in the field. They value their position above their country... and if Trump has his way they’ll end with neither.
I’ll let Mr. Bunch finish.
“Stop treating the present crisis in Washington as business as usual, a slightly bumpy ride that will get better as soon as we magically find the path to “unity” and “civility.” This is a five-alarm fire and the majority of Americans are counting on a free and unfettered press to stop the accelerating death of our democracy before this goes any further. That means breaking some old rules and inventing some new ones, in the name of publishing the truth. I don’t have all those answers but I do know this: This republic won’t survive unless people starting getting as uncivil as hell. Just like Michelle Wolf did.
Because Flint still doesn’t have clean water.”
But you need to go to Philly.com and read the whole rant.