I don’t suppose it is too surprising that Michael Flynn and his son paid a visit to Kislyak two days before Flynn’s travelling to Moscow to attend the RT award dinner with Putin and Jill Stein, but the detail that they met at Kislyak’s home is sort of a puzzle... seems sort of informal and familiar beyond what should be normal.
And that Flynn Jr. emailed their regards to the Russian Embassy is kinda weird also, would like to hear your thoughts on that.
The contents of the redacted bit between these two paragraphs would be interesting but I suppose we’ll have to wait until 2075 to read that bit.
You can read for yourselves on page 52 of House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Report on Russian Active Measures but I have transcribed the pertinent bits here.
“(U) General Flynn began advising the Trump campaign on or before February 2016 and subsequently became a central figure on the campaign trail. He was the former Director of DIA and was one of candidate Trump's closest advisers on national security issues. Following the election, and during the transition period, he was designated as the future National Security Advisor to the President. General Flynn served as President Trump's National Security Adviser for less than a month, resigning on February 13, 2017. According to FBI Director Comey, General Flynn's resignation occurred after it came to light that he had misled Vice President-Elect Pence about his contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the transition period.
{U) Prior to his trip to Moscow, General Flynn and his son met with Russian Ambassador Kislyak at the ambassador's private residence in Washington, D.C. on December 2, 2015. The meeting was later described by General's Flynn's son In an email to the Russian embassy as "very productive. (79) The email indicates that the meeting was arranged at the request of General Flynn or his son. (80) The Committee was unable to interview General Flynn and his son because of their written intent to assert their Fifth Amendment rights against self- incrimination.”