Stormy Daniels’ combative attorney Michael Avenatti continued his running psych ops on the drumpf turd-basket last night on Anderson Cooper 360°last night when he generously contributed this, our guffaw of the day:
“Any guy, in my experience, who has to constantly tell you how tough he is ... is not a tough guy,” Avenatti said of Michael Cohen, the attorney who was the subject of FBI raids on Monday.
“He’s closer to a purse puppy than a tough guy,” Avenatti said.
While the whole clip is informative, the quoted phrase and its set up begin at about the 4:58 mark…
Cooper reveals also that in an earlier interview with Don Lemon Michael Cohen characterized the FBI Agents who tossed his office and home were “professional’ and “polite” a far cry from what his thuggish boss termed a “break in.”
The only “breaking in” going on in this sordid episode is the Grand Theft Auto number Avenatti is perpetrating on the collective psyches of the Cornholeone crime family.