“New York Magazine is taking a harsh swipe at President Trump with its new cover depicting the president as a pig.
The April 2 issue of the magazine features a close-up photo of Trump with a pig's snout replacing his nose. (snip)
"Since Trump took office, his pledge to ignore his own interests has been almost forgotten, lost in a disorienting hurricane of endless news," New York Magazine's Jonathan Chait writes. "It is not just a morbid joke but a legitimate problem for the opposition that all the bad news about Trump keeps getting obscured by other bad news about Trump."
"Not only has Trump made no effort to raise ethical standards but he and his administration have flamboyantly violated the existing guidelines," Chait writes. "Lobbyists are seeded in every agency, 'regulating' their former employers and designing rules that favor bosses over employees and business owners over consumers."
I just have a couple of beefs (heh) with the New York Magazine.
Has not the noble pig suffered enough under the dominion of humanity without this gratuitous swipe at it’s appearance, which, I readily concede, shares an unfortunate confluence of similarity with that of Herr Groppenfuhrer?
But beyond mere outer and physical attribute, which one must always be wary of using to judge any being, this mocking comparison breaks down completely and utterly, as ever generous porcine kind, unlike drumpf, serves humanity unstintingly, sacrificing it’s very corporeal existence to provide delicious and satisfying sustenance to us all.
Bacon, pepperoni; the miracles of prosciutto and guanciale; chorizo, wontons, cured Virginia ham, New England boiled dinner, hot Italian sausage - swine’s contribution to human cuisine is unmatched in variety and tastiness.
The feckless drumpf provides little beyond caustic verbiage, discord and seemingly bottomless disgust.
And, on that collusion thing, guys and gals in New York, Mr. Mueller is still working on it.