Other folks may have a different take, but it is my humble opinion that nothing approaching drumpf’s stated diplomatic goal, a North Korea divesting itself of nuclear weapons, will come out of his willingness to meet with Lil Kim.
The aims of South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in in all this are laudable, transparent and immediate, preventing the nuclearization or artilleryization of his Capital by North Korea. In this he has achieved a not inconsequential result, the putting off of that eventuality until at least May.
The aim of China and Russia is the protection of their client state and the easing of sanctions, which according to one Bush expert on N. Korea, as there are no drumpf experts on the subject, is definitely in the works:
Speaking to the NY Times, Michael J. Green, a former Asia adviser to President George W. Bush had this to say.
“There is every reason to believe that North Korea is attempting to blunt sanctions and secure de facto legitimacy for its nuclear weapons program with this gesture...”
Evan S. Medeiros, an Asia adviser to President Barack Obama, quoted in the same article, said that any direct talks would elevate Mr. Kim and legitimize him.
“We got nothing for it. And Kim will never give up his nukes,” Mr. Medeiros said. “Kim played Moon and is now playing Trump.”
To be fair, Evan, Moon may have been played, but was playing for the continued survival of his people.
So, China and Russia, when absolutely nothing comes from all of this, will be in a position to say that they tried sanctions and they didn’t work….back to business as usual.
South Korea will be better off having staved off annihilation for another season and Kim Jong Un, having given up nothing, will achieve another major coup, one his father and grandfather perused with as much vigor as they sought nuclear weapons... sitting down as equals with a U.S. President.
Or not.
It hardly matters as drumpf has already agreed in principle.
drumpf, maybe, gains a fawning news cycle.
Enjoy your smoke, Lil Kim.