Arthur Jones, once the head of The American Nazi Party and a vehement Holocaust denier who has called it “the biggest blackest lie in history”, will be on the Republican Ballot for the seat of the 3rd Congressional District in Illinois this November.
“Arthur Jones — an outspoken Holocaust denier, activist anti-Semite and white supremacist — is poised to become the Republican nominee for an Illinois congressional seat representing parts of Chicago and nearby suburbs.
“Well first of all, I’m running for Congress not the chancellor of Germany. All right. To me the Holocaust is what I said it is: It’s an international extortion racket,” Jones told the Chicago Sun-Times.
Indeed, Jones’ website for his latest congressional run includes a section titled “The ‘Holocaust Racket’” where he calls the genocide carried out by the German Nazi regime and collaborators in other nations “the biggest blackest lie in history.”
Luckily the Illinois third is a safe Democratic District situated in Chicago for the incumbent Rep. Dan Lipinski, or, as allergywoman pointed out in the comments, his primary opponent, Marie Newman.
And to be fair to the Republicans they did kick him off of the ballot in 2016, disputing the validity signatures on his petition of candidacy.
Lipinski ran unopposed.
But this year Illi-Nazi was more scrupulous in the signatures he collected and the Republicans are stuck with him.
What will be interesting to see is what percentage of Republicans will turn out for this charming fellow...