Vanity Fair poses a fascinating question.
“Robert Mueller would no doubt be interested in what 44 told 45 regarding the former national security adviser. But will he ask him?
On November 10, 2016, two days after his stunning election victory, Donald Trump met with President Barack Obama, alone, in the Oval Office, for 90 minutes. They covered plenty of important ground, including the nuclear threat from North Korea and the need—at least in Obama’s view—for the United States to uphold its part in the Paris climate agreement and the Iran sanctions deal. They also talked about Michael Flynn.
Julie O’Sullivan, a former federal prosecutor who was part of the Whitewater investigation team, acknowledges the concern about partisanship, but thinks it is secondary to pursuing the facts. “You need to make your case, right?” she says. “I have no idea if Obama had knowledge of the specific things Flynn is under investigation for. But I’d certainly sniff around and see what was on the radar screen last fall not just with Flynn, but with respect to Russia. Flynn has got to know something, because President Trump is not loyal to anyone, as far as I can tell. Yet he’s been consistently generous to Flynn, to the point of allegedly asking [James] Comey to ditch the case. Who else would he do that for? No one.”
When he worked as a lawyer, Obama took depositions. When he was a law professor, he taught students how to ask questions in court. Yet Obama has apparently never been sworn in as a witness himself. It’s unlikely he will make his debut as part of Mueller’s inquiry. Then again, a year ago it seemed unlikely President Obama would find himself alone in the Oval Office chatting with President-Elect Trump.”
We know Barack warned drumpf against naming Flynn to any sensitive intelligence post, but how much about Flynn’s activities did he know at that time and how much did he share with the idiot?
If Mueller is building an obstruction case, he might want to know.
He could question Barack’s lawyers, sure, but how much sensitive information would Barack have shared with them?
Man, I would love to see the Twitter melt down having Bobby Three Sticks calling 44 to take the stand would precipitate!