“is a banking and finance specialist at the economic consultancy Global Macro Advisors focusing on global economics and corporate strategy. Previously, he was a partner at the consultancy Lion Strategy Advisors, and worked in various consulting, strategy and M&A roles at Deutsche Bank, Bain Consulting, the Corporate Executive Board and Yahoo. Mr. Harrison started his career as a diplomat in the foreign service. He speaks German, Dutch, Swedish, Spanish and French as well as English and can read a number of other European languages. He holds an MBA from Columbia Business School and completed his undergraduate studies with a degree in economics from Dartmouth College.”
...who also posts at Naked Capitalism, which has several excellent reads.
He just Tweeted a list of the eleven biggest winners of the Republican Tax Bill and their contributions to you know who….
For you keeping score at home that’s a 17,600% return on his money for Adelson and scions on his investment.
Naked Capitalism indeed.