This time he wasn’t in a wheelchair and he wasn’t like a jillion years old.
It happened in 2004.
With her mother right next to her.
(Bolds mine)
“Rosyln Corrigan — who said she was excited to meet the 41st president as a teenager, having dreamed of a career in politics — told Time that Bush groped her 14 years ago while photographing with her at an event in the Woodlands, Tex., office of the Central Intelligence Agency. Corrigan’s father and other intelligence officers and their families came to hear Bush address the agency…
...As soon as the picture was being snapped, on the one-two-three, he dropped his hands from my waist down to my buttocks and gave it a nice, ripe squeeze, which would account for the fact that in the photograph my mouth is hanging wide open,” Corrigan told Time.
Corrigan told her mother about the incident as soon as Bush stepped away. She said she was upset, and that “had it been just some Joe Blow or something” she would “chase him down and yell at him.”
“But, you know, it’s the president. What are you supposed to do?” she told Time. “And you’ve got your husband’s job that could be in jeopardy.”
I know it seems I’m beating a dead horse, here, but this represents a considerable escalation from “the old man was in a wheelchair, and “accidentally” touched her butt BS.
Telling that lie was probably why Roslyn came forward...