(Paren mine)
‘If you are a black person (or a well meaning white liberal) in America who has concerns about the rise of gun violence in this country and the continued legislative dragging of feet in the wake of mass shootings, you are not alone. However, when you voice your opinions on gun control, you might be met with this familiar, racially charged dog whistle:
“But what about Chicago?!”
Here are nine pre-scripted responses to the loaded query:
1. I love them as an easy-listening band, and “Saturday in the Park” is a beautiful song, but I don’t know what they have to do with gun violence in this country.
5. Fuck. Deep. Dish. Pizza
9. If you insist on using the deeply problematic misnomer of “black-on-black crime” while discussing the rise of gun violence as it relates to gang activity in the greater Chicago area, particularly with guns flowing in from Indiana, Missouri, and Kentucky, then that is a conversation that I am not currently willing to have. Most crime, including murder, is intraracial. That is due in no small part to discriminatory housing practices (redlining, for instance), which are symptoms of a much bigger issue in this country. Historically, racism and arguments using racist logic have been dams blocking the flow of ideas and the streams of justice in America. In regard to the history of discriminatory housing practices and economic stagnation, and the effects that they can have on working-class African-Americans, I suggest reading (or viewing) “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry. It takes place in . . . you guessed it.”
I would suggest some variation of # 9 but if you’re talking to a drunk uncle you might have to dumb it down a bit…
But Jurden has sixth other possibilities at the linked article, maybe one of those would work better for you.