If Chuckie Schumer and Nancy Pelosi hadn’t been so willing to cut a deal with the debbil hisself to fund Hurricane Irma relief, raise the debt ceiling and fund the government for a few months the Republicans in Congress would have been to busy trying to stave off catastrophe to attempt again to take away health care for millions of Americans. So says The Indivisible Project:
“Still, some on the left say that by cutting a deal with President Donald Trump early this month to remove hurricane relief, the debt ceiling and government funding from lawmakers' to-do list before September 30, they opened the door for a third major Republican health care push.
"We do think that Democrats made this a little easier for them," said Angel Padilla, policy director for The Indivisible Project. "The moment when we changed gears is when they made that deal.""I remember the first thing we said here was, 'Oh my god, they're bringing back health care.' If not for that deal, right now what we would be talking about would be the debt ceiling and the (continuing resolution to fund the government). Congress has trouble passing these things and they always wait for the last minute, and that's what we would be doing right now. But those were taken off the table and now we have this bill," Padilla said. "Schumer and Pelosi should have waited until after September 30 to start cutting deals."
And, they don’t let Bernie off the hook either…
“Padilla also criticized Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for introducing a single-payer "Medicare for all" health care bill -- which progressives largely support -- last week. "It wouldn't have hurt us to wait a few weeks until health care was behind us before rolling out that bill," he said.”
This just proves again the old adage “No good deed goes unpunished.”
By trying to help the good folks of Houston in their hour of need, and trying to save the United States’ credit rating from assault by the bug crazy tea-party wing of the Republican caucus, our leaders in Congress freed up McConnell and Co. to make another run at repealing Obamacare.
Perhaps Schumer and Pelosi should get a tattoo on their voting hands…
“No deals with drumpf!”