Sanity calling drumpf! Sanity calling drumpf!!!
“Seattle (AP) — A federal appeals court on Thursday rejected the Trump administration's limited view of who is allowed into the United States under the president's travel ban, saying grandparents, cousins and similarly close relations of people in the U.S. should not be prevented from coming to the country.
The unanimous ruling from three judges on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals also said refugees accepted by a resettlement agency should not be banned. The decision upheld a ruling by a federal judge in Hawaii who found the administration's view too strict.
"Stated simply, the government does not offer a persuasive explanation for why a mother-in-law is clearly a bona fide relationship, in the Supreme Court's prior reasoning, but a grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or cousin is not," the ruling said.”
From the moment I heard the Muslim ban included Grandparents of residents, I thought “Gee, what assholes these people are”, which was not at all divergent from general opinion about the maladministration, so I accepted that surmise and hoped the Courts would sort it out, which it appears they are trying to do.
Fingers crossed, knock on wood.
But the AP article offered another explanation for their boorishness and cruelty.
Deputy assistant attorney general Hashim Mooppan, who had the unenviable job of arguing for drumpf’s pogrom on Grandparents, offered this :
”Mooppan conceded that people can have a profound connection to their grandparents and other extended relatives, but from a legal perspective, the administration had to draw the line somewhere to have a workable ban based largely on definitions used in other aspects of immigration law, he said.”
Will SCOTUS rule against Grandfolk to redraw a stupid line?
Justice Roberts, do you still have a soul?