Oh, that naughty, naughty alt-right.
Engaging in their SCOTUS protected free speech in the an alt-right chatroom on the gamer site Discord those incorrigible fascist bastards gave free reign to their eliminationist rhetoric in tirades sure to warm the ACLU’s heart.
“Going up to MSNBC and them interviewing you saying we should kill every non-white on the planet – I don’t necessarily have an issue with listening to that on a podcast or whatever, but if you are going to do something like that, even if it’s your true belief, that’s not the objective of this rally,” Unite the Right organizer Eli Mosley said during a conference call in the days leading up to the Aug. 12 event.”
Mind, directing such a sentiment towards a single United States Senator could get your lily white ass locked up, but directed at scores of millions of U.S. citizens is just in bad taste.
Nazis and KKKers welcome, but are encouraged to wear polos and chinos:

And you kill someone? No prob, blame it on teh Jews.
“Numerous posts speculated that James Fields Jr., the Nazi sympathizer police say drove the Dodge Charger into the crowd, had a Jewish parent. That formed the basis for a so-called false flag conspiracy theory akin to the one spread by Infowars host Alex Jones.”
Cause it’s all about optics….

Did you punch some snowflake? Blame the Antifa and use the Zimmerman defense…
“If you find yourself confronted by Antifa,” one user wrote, “Remeber (sic) you ‘Felt your life threatened’ and do not try to justify anything you did to the cops.”
Remember to trash the victim…
“However, Kessler himself had trouble adhering to that kind of message discipline. Days after the event, he tweeted, “Heather Heyer was a fat, disgusting Communist. Communists have killed 94 million. Looks like it was payback time.”
And count on POTUS….
“He didn’t outright condemn us,” noted one user.
“I think this is intentional,” responded another.
“Of course it’s intentionally ambiguous,” added a third. “He can’t play both sides by going on in on one side.”