An entry into this Year’s Congressional Art Competition, painted by a teenager in Representative Lou Correa’s District (California’s 46th District - Orange County, Anaheim, Santa Ana) and displayed in his Congressional office with other finalists, has provoke the ire of WingNut Conservatives including We the People Rising and Sarah Palin.
The painting, which is not in the least political or controversial, clearly shows a woman in a hijab clutching the sacred torch of Liberty to her heart, obviously an expression of the artist’s belief and hope that the ideals expressed by the Statue will continue to be extended to all people regardless of religion or nation of origin.
Not so fast says a spokesman for We The People:
“Ultimately, to attribute a specific religion to the Statue of Liberty is inaccurate, unprofessional and offensive,” wrote Mike McGetrick, an activist in We the People Rising and a resident of Orange, Calif. “In addition, the painting displays the torch of the Statue of Liberty, not as the heralded beacon of light, but rather held awkwardly to one side — in a perplexing, even disturbing, manner.”
Since then, the group has passed out fliers in local neighborhoods, urging constituents to contact the congressman and ask him to remove the painting. It says it will organize a protest on Sept. 11 at Correa’s district office if the painting is not taken down, the Orange County Register reported.
In a videotaped meeting with a representative for Correa, McGetrick called the painting “reprehensible” and “more than a little bit insulting.”
In the above video McGetrick states that the painting depicts Lady Liberty in a way “we’re not accustomed to”, which is, of course, one of the purposes of art dumbass, and that Lady Liberty is crying, which she clearly is not.
Sockeye Sarah took to Twitter to protest the outrage, linking to an article posted by, who else, the YoungCons.
She immediately got push-back from sane people:
These jackasses have taken a piece of art that clearly depicts the artist’s love for America and tried to pervert it to fit their own twisted fun house mirror version of reality.
Their fail knows no limit.