Chris Lu served under President Obama for over ten years, first as Legislative Director during the future Presidents time in the Senate, than as Cabinet Secretary (basically the West Wing’s liaison to Cabinet Members) during the first term and finally in the Cabinet itself as Deputy Secretary of Labor.
Apparently, in all this time, he knew no one who had to retain a lawyer for matters relating to their service under Obama….
He Tweeted this on Thursday.
Lu received many responses, some positive, some negative (right wing naysayers on Twitter have grown exponentially in numbers in the last six months).
Here are some of my favorites.
When a CONservative questioned the above post’s accuracy, Lu gave DKos contributor RoyalScribe a shout out…
...followed by the inevitable trollish dis:
And pushback…
Moving along…
This is an amusing chain...
All in all, I agree with these tweeters: