Yesterday DKos contributor ursulafaw posted a diary detailing the ACLU’s delight that Trump had undercut his own Justice Department lawyers in their efforts to convince SCOTUS to lift the lower court’s injunction against his Muslim Ban, Travel Ban, Spite Ban or whatever you want to call it — with this ill considered tweet:
To which the ACLU replied:
Never one to let stupid get in his way, drumpf this morning squeezed out two more impediments to his lawyers arguing that the EO is not motivated by animus:
Note that the second tweet asserts that his own Justice Department, which he is supposedly is the stupid boss of, should not have altered the original ban, which pretty much everyone has since acknowledged was ill conceived and unconstitutional.
Kellyanne, for one, is getting really tired of folks paying attention to what drumpf eliminates.
To which I say:
Keep tweeting, dumb-ass.