So this Politico Story has a lot of reporting that has already been posted here: Lyin’ Spice has a Fukushima level sad, aides and staffers are exhausted trying to ride herd on the three ring goat rodeo that the Disaster Don has has turned the Oval Office into and the lie three times assertion that Comey had cleared him that drumpf made up while sitting out the rain in the clubhouse of his New Jersey Golf Course this weekend, but if one persists there is a bit of news therein…
“Top White House officials learned of the looming New York Times story about a memo Comey wrote detailing Trump’s request two hours before it went online. Aides rushed to ask Trump what he had actually told Comey. But the White House had no memos or tapes of the meeting to rebut the claims, several officials said. Trump didn’t even give an entire readout of his conversation, leaving staffers “actually unaware of what happened,” one official said.”
As, many of us suspected, der Groppenfuhrer had lied his ample ass off in his Tweet tweaking of Comey, implying he had audio evidence of something that did not happen at all.
And, as there was hardly anyone willing to go out and back up his lie...
“But White House officials, one person said, are becoming increasingly leery of putting their names on statements in the immediate aftermath of stories — because Trump often contradicts them publicly or on Twitter.”
...and there are no friggin’ tapes, this will just hang out there as another of drumpf’s fever dreams.
The good news for deplorables is that help is near at hand.
”Priebus is sitting in every meeting. Bannon has been given “some authority” to help clean this up, one outside adviser said. Other senior officials believe Trump trusts them.”
Here’s a shovel, boys, the Augean Stables are thataway….