Under the lede House passes Obamacare repeal and replace bill after chaotic setbacks; Senate fight now looms the N.Y. Daily News has some choice commentary about yesterday’s vote.
“At one point during the celebratory press conference in the Rose Garden, he turned to the House Republicans who’d gathered with him after the vote and exclaimed, “Hey, I’m President! I’m President! Can you believe it?!”
No. We can’t.
”Republicans passed the legislation over the objections of most major stakeholders. The American Medical Association said the bill would do "serious harm to patients and the health care delivery system," while the AARP warned that the last-minute changes that let Republicans win enough votes to ram the legislation through "make a bad bill even worse."
Harms patients? Even Worse? No wonder those heartless fuckers rolled out the Bud Light.
“But House passage could prove a pyrrhic victory, as a number of Senate Republicans have indicated there's no chance they'll pass a bill that looks anything like what the House approved. On top of that, in order to pass the bill GOP leaders had to twist the arms of a number of swing-district members whose votes could come back to haunt them in the 2018 midterm elections.”
See you at the polls, MFers.