Vote for "the black Rush Limbaugh with a badge!!!"
Jack Daly, a GOP Strategist who has worked for Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), wants to draft "Shackled Birther" Sheriff David Clarke to run against the evil librul Tammy Baldwin for the Senate in Wisconsin next year.
And he sent out a lovely fundraising e-mail…
“Daly opens the email by alleging that his teenage son (whom he describes as a "gentle boy") was attacked for supporting Trump. "These dreadlock-wearing punks shrieked 'Fuck*** Donald Trump,'" reads the email. The alleged perpetrators also insulted his son for being white. No major outlets appeared to have reported the incident, but Got News, the website run by notorious troll Chuck C. Johnson, did.
Daly also blames Barack Obama for creating a country where "blacks, Muslims, illegal aliens, and politically correct 'social justice warriors'" feel as if they can "attack" Trump supporters, police officers, businesses, and even children, and suffer no consequences such as jail or deportation.
And for Daly, there's only one way to stop all the chaos caused by liberals, black people, and undocumented immigrants: Sheriff Clarke unseating Baldwin, whom Daly calls an "in-your-face lesbian and screaming feminist." As he wrote in his email, here are just some of the reasons why Clarke would make a great senator.”
If I didn’t have my own hands full next year re-electing my Senator, Claire McCaskill, I’d consider moving north to help Tammy.
No way this guy should be anywhere near the Senate.
In related news my new Twitter guru eastofhawaii reports Jeff Sessions is ready for the Easter bunny.