So, I’m scrolling through the headlines on Bing News and I come upon this bit of truthiness... “Trump’s Feud With The Media Needs To Stop Now”, published over at RedState.
I’m like the guy who spots a double sawbuck in the toilet at a Truck Stop...what to do, what to do?
I clicked.
One Ms. Susan Wright over there has written a piece which, except for a couple of disputable references, might have been gleaned from the front page of here truly.
“Excuse me while I go all stream-of-consciousness about Dear Leader Trump’s ego-fest in Florida, today.
Specifically, the part where he can’t let go of his efforts to make a free media (also see: First Amendment) as inconsequential as possible in this new Land ‘o Trump.”
Ms. Wright gets off to a good start with that so I read on.
“I want to speak to you without the filter of the fake news,” Trump said to huge cheers.
Translation: I want to ladle raw sewage directly into your ears.”
That’s Pretty good, Sue what else ya got?