Duncan Hunter (R) — California, fresh from completing a hat-trick, capturing the “Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day” award for his third year in a row, shows no desire to relinquish his title, despite spirited challenges from talented contenders within the ranks of the “Freedumb Caucus”.
Desperate to retain his title Hunter surreptitiously removed David Pulpus’ thought provoking canvas depicting the turmoil in Ferguson, Mo in 2014 (above) from the wall outside Rep. William Lacy Clay’s (D) — Missouri, office yesterday, where it had hung since Clay selected it for a Congressional Art competition.
As Duncan chose to do this on a Friday morning, after Clay had left Washington to return to his district, the frustrated art critic, imminent philistine and frequent rabbit flier left the painting in the care of Clay’s office staff, bragging that he had “increased the value” of the work.
“”Asked about First Amendment arguments allowing even objectionable speech, Hunter said: “I guess it is my First Amendment right to take it down. Lacy can put it back up if he wants to.”
Clay’s spokesman, Engelhardt, would not say what his boss would do. But if Clay does decide to put the painting back where it was, Hunter said he would not again remove it, saying his point had been made.
He also said he had probably made Pulphus’ painting famous and worth a lot of money.
“Tell him, ‘You’re welcome,’” Hunter said.””