When drumpf sent this vile piece of garbage tweet out yesterday…
...near the beginning of a day long spate of the Twitter equivalent of deranged poo-flinging, many journos rightly, but rather obtusely, denounced the disgusting attack on John McCain that provided cover for the der groppenfuhrer’s true intent — attempting to implant the lie that McCain sought to disseminate the dossier before the election in 2016 — and thus suggesting by falsehood that there was an attempt to change it’s outcome, as he is charged with doing himself.
Sharp-eyed Natasha Bertrand and her following wasn’t going to let him get away with it:
And Sarah is out front on this bombshell which is likely to dominate future news:
If you can read Czech and get past Respekt.CZ’s paywall there is probably a hell of a diary there.
I can’t, and have to skedaddle off to work in any case...but it’s nice to know that while I’m away Bertrand is keeping her eyes peeled.