Well, Charles P. Pierce over at Esquire Magazine minced no words about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s rabble rousing performance last night at the RNC.
“CLEVELAND, OHIO—Once the deed was done, and folks were filtering out to celebrate the elevation of He, Trump to the toppermost of the poppermost of the Republican Party, it was time for the Volksgerichtshof portion of the festivities. One after another, the establishment pols came rolling out to pledge their undying fealty to the new boss.
I'm surprised that He, Trump let them keep their belts on so their pants wouldn't fall down.”
( A word about Volksgerichtshof — Volksgerichtshof is German, of course, for “People’s Court”. Wiki has this to say about it:
With almost no exceptions, cases in the People's Court had predetermined guilty verdicts. There was no presumption of innocence nor could the defendants adequately represent themselves or consult an attorney. A proceeding at the People's Court would follow an initial indictment in which a state or city prosecutor would forward the names of the accused to the Volksgerichtshof for charges of a political nature. Defendants were hardly ever allowed to speak to their attorneys beforehand and when they did the defense lawyer would usually simply answer questions about how the trial would proceed and refrain from any legal advice.
Kudos to Esquire for using exactly the right word!