I went back and forth all morning on whether to post now, we have our nominee, and I am not ecstatic about our choice, but in 40 years of voting I’ve never pulled the lever, punched the card or scanned the ballot for other than the Democratic nominee, and with that idiot on the other side threatening to reveal to the whole world what nearly half of the American electorate considers to be a worthy choice to lead the free world, I ain’t about to start now. I’ll have to grit my teeth when I vote, for reasons you’ve all heard and read, and I don’t need to reiterate them here, it would be of no purpose to do so.
But surely, on this one not so small point, the purpose of this diary, I can rally the readership of kos to join together and utter one small mew of protest to our nominee.
Most of you know who Robert Kagan is, I am sure, and judging from the reception I got for this diary, most of you are just A-O.K. with the architect of the Iraq War endorsing our candidate. I do not agree, but I have heard your arguments...that our candidate can not control who endorses her, that Kagan will not exert any undue influence upon her, that he, like so many of us, simply cannot stomach Donnie Dipwad... yada, yada,yada. So, I won’t be leading any torch-lit, pitchfork brandishing mob of indignant kossacks to Hillary’s gate demanding that she shun fat jerk’s endorsement.
But there has got to be, somewhere within the fierce beating heart of even the most ardent Hillary supporter, a red cell or two that can’t help but recoil from this douche headlining a fundraiser for us.